Duality Docs Developer manual for the Duality game engine
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Development Cycle

This page will give you an overview on the development cycle of Duality, including when (and for what) to create branches and when to merge them in which way. For more information about specific existing branches, please refer to the Branch Descriptions page.

Ongoing Development Back ↑

Bugfixes and minor features are developed in the master branch. Breaking changes are not allowed and the head of the branch is required to always represent a complete, running, non-WiP version of Duality. Until a feature or bugfix is complete, do not push to master, as this would put the head into a WiP state. If a task is too big to be completed in a single run, your options are to either work locally or create a feature branch to work on.

Occasionally, the master branch serves as the basis for new binary package releases.

Deploying a Binary Release Back ↑

Binary deployment is not usually a task you will face - except if you’re a Duality core developer. Here’s the basic process outline.

Updating Package Specs Back ↑

In order to deploy a new package release, update all versions in .csproj files and .nuspec files to their new semantic version number. Most of the time, this can be done automatically using the Update Package Versions script, which will lead you through an interactive process of reviewing changes since the last package update, updating version numbers and finally creating a new git commit with the package update. However, if you updated a dependency that is not itself part of the main repository, make sure to update the .nuspec dependency entry as well - prior to executing the above script. Failing to do so will break the binary release of Duality for both updaters and new users.

Merging into Release Back ↑

After updating the package specs, the next step is to merge master into release and pushing both branches. The continuous integration service AppVeyor will automatically build both latest commits and run unit tests. If they turn green and you’ve spent enough time testing, you’re ready for the deployment.

Deploying Packages Back ↑

To deploy a new set of Duality packages and release them into the wild, log into AppVeyor using your GitHub account. When prompted, select AdamsLairBot as a user role. Note: In order to be able to do this, you’ll have to be authorized. Open Environments and select Duality NuGet Package Release. Click New Deployment and select the latest release build. You should recognize it as your latest merge commit. A console view will appear that shows the deployment progress - if it finishes without errors, your work is done here.

As an additional counter-measure to broken binary releases, it is always a good idea to check if the binary install still works as expected. First, open the NuGet page of the packages you just deployed and wait until the “not indexed yet” notice disappears. When that happened, download Duality and let it install. Select one or two sample packages, install them as well and play around with them to see if all still works properly. There have been cases where that kind of test revealed serious problems (incorrect dependencies, wrong data inside package, …) that could fortunately be addressed quickly. Do your testing!

Pull Requests Back ↑

If you’re planning to do a pull request and are not a Duality core developer, please also read How to Contribute. In general, Pull Requests are always done in their own feature branch. This is to ensure that they remain isolated and can be dealt with individually, rather than polluting a contributor’s master branch and potentially leaking across different Pull Requests. After a PR has been merged back to master, its feature branch can be deleted safely.

Major Version Steps Back ↑

Since the master branch does not allow breaking changes, all the bigger stuff has to wait until the next major version cycle. As long as development has not begun on the next major version, nothing special needs to be done.

Beginning a Major Version Cycle Back ↑

When starting to develop on a new major version number of Duality, the first thing that needs to be done it creating a new major version development branch. Say, the current Duality version is 3.x, then the next major version step would be 4.0.

  • Create a distinct develop-4.0 branch from master, including its own continuous integration status badge on the main repository page.
  • All breaking or major changes will be developed in develop-4.0.
  • All non-breaking, non-major changes should continue to be developed in master.
  • Occasionally merge the most recent master version into develop-4.0. Note that this is a unidirectional merge: It is not allowed to ever merge back from develop-4.0 into master.

Ending a Major Version Cycle Back ↑

At some point, the next major version will be considered ready for review by the overall crowd, and eventually release. Let’s keep the 3.x / 4.0 sample from above.

  • First, create a 3.x archive branch from master.
  • Merge develop-4.0 back into master and delete develop-4.0 afterwards.
  • Let the community review the new master branch for a while and continue ongoing development in master as usual - just now on the new major version.
  • When considered ready for release, merge master into release and perform a full binary package deployment as described above.

The major release cycle is now complete. Back to ongoing development!